Private sessions are one on one personalized spaces using the wisdom of  breath work, emotional and energetic healing, possibility coaching, conscious feelings work, shamanic practices and my intuitive guidance capacities developed over the last few years having worked with over 100 people


Emotional & Energetic Healing | Breathwork | Embodied Possibility Mentorship







We explore what emotional and energetic patterns are blocking you, I help guide you to move through them so you can discover how it can be of information for you to make new possibilities/decisions and empower yourself. You experience/learn how to consciously feel, lovingly hold, integrate and use your feelings as energy and information for yourself instead of something that holds you back. You learn to clear out your own energy field and connect to your inner joy & being. 

  • Each session is unique and personal to you and what you need at the moment here is what you can experience during a session.

    ➳ Grounding and centering process

    ➳ Clearing and cleansing the energetic and emotional body

    ➳ Release stuck and stagnant emotions

    ➳ Safe space to express anything alive within you

    ➳ Learn the wisdom of conscious feeling and how to use it in your life

    ➳ Learn how to feel, lovingly accept and release your emotions

    ➳ Discover why the emotion is there and how you can transform it yourself

    ➳ Feel lighter, more at ease and in acceptance of what is alive within you

    ➳ Connecting and healing your inner child

  • ➳ What emotions/patterns are holding you back and keeping you stuck

    ➳ What emotions are you afraid of and how you can welcome them with trust and ease

    ➳ Build trust and confidence in yourself

    ➳ Where you can let go and create more care, love and acceptance for yourself

    ➳ What limiting beliefs you may hold and where they came from

  • ➳ Sessions are 60-90min
    ➳ Online | In person, Ibiza
    ➳ Aftercare and support with me via telegram
    Pricing: €100 Singular Session or €88 Six session container



I guide you to consciously use your breathing to drop into your subconscious with a focused intention. Accessing these altered states through your breath initiates a process of self-healing of your psyche and cells. The process can release trauma and blockages and can guide you to awaken to deeply blissful states of being.

  • ➳ Grounding and centering process

    ➳ Guiding to set clear intentions

    ➳ Access your subconscious to release stuck emotions and blockages

    ➳ States of bliss and connectedness

    ➳ Clearing and cleansing the energetic and emotional body

    ➳ Journeying and receiving insights and information for yourself

    ➳ Deep connection to self

    *Please note that every session is different, personal and unique, not everyone experiences the same things. You will experience what you need, not what you may think you want.

  • ➳ What is present and alive within you at this moment and how that can help you move forward in your life

    ➳ How you perceive life and feel about yourself

    ➳ How it feels (embodied) to surrender to the present moment with what is

    ➳ How your internal body feels, reacts & sends you signals and information

    ➳ Trusting your own intuition and inner/higher self

    ➳ How you access your inner joy and bliss

  • ➳ Sessions are 60-90min
    ➳ Online | In person, Ibiza
    ➳ Aftercare and support with me via telegram
    Pricing: €100 Singular Session or €88 Six session container



This guided personalized journey is an offering close to my heart as it encapsulates everything I have learned, embodied and integrated over the years. It is a profound deep inner transformation journey where you get to extract your unique inner resources to empower and alchemise your life. I am so passionate about unlocking the infinite potential that we hold as individuals and humanity, to create spaces where you really get to feel the infinite unstoppable being that you are through connecting to your integrity and aligned purpose. Where you get to melt all that is no longer serving you and step into the driving seat of your life. Where you get to feel the magic of your own aliveness.

  • This is a personalized journey where together we deep dive into a process to nourish and align your five bodies so that you can transform blocks and step into your aligned being, creation and purpose. You get to discover what else is possible for yourself, your relationships and your life.

    Over the course of 12 sessions, together we will follow the path of your self-transformation through six phases with what is alive and needed for you in each moment.

    Phase one: Exploration of your deeper self
    Phase two: Wisdom of your conscious feelings
    Phase three: Removing and clearing blockages
    Phase four: Self acceptance and love
    Phase five: Extracting what you care about, your values & aligned purpose
    Phase six: Radical self empowerment, responsibility & action

  • ➳ You get to take responsibility for your life and see where you are holding yourself back

    ➳ You get a safe space to express and share what is alive within you, a space to be vulnerable and let yourself be held, seen and loved for who you are

    ➳ You get to discover how you can transform your blockages and reinstate lost parts of yourself

    ➳ You get to learn how to manage your feelings and emotions so that it doesn't consume you anymore

    ➳ You get to give yourself space to deal with even the most difficult experiences or feelings, release them and discover how those experiences can empower you instead.

    ➳ You get to discover what other possibilities exist, things you never even knew were possible.

    ➳ You get to discover your clarity on what your values are and how your can be of service to the world and your values

    ➳ You get to discover what it means to consciously feel and use your feelings as energy and information for your life

    ➳ You get to activate your inner spark and find your own empowerment

    ➳ You get to discover how it is to feel deeper parts of yourself and live an aligned life.

    ➳ You get to connect to your intuition and inner clarity

    ➳ You get to learn how to manage your sensitivity and own space and time

    ➳ You get to learn how to nourish and align your five bodies (mental, physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual)

    ➳ You get to feel your inner source of ecstasy and joy for who you are

  • ➳ 12 Weekly Sessions 60-90min long over 3 months
    ➳ Personalized recorded meditations and visualizations
    ➳ Guided journal and workbook
    ➳ Full daily support with me via telegram over the 3 months

“The power of showing up vulnerably as you are in the presence of another & in community, and knowing how to support each other in those processes is one of the most powerful agents for personal and collective transformation”



“I remember the first space Celine held for me, how surprised I was by the non-linearity in her navigation and the dance between the sweetness of the heart and the precision of the sword.

In the spaces that Celine supported I could feel completely safe to surrender to the madness and unpredictability of my emotions and at the same time I could feel the edge and dangerous sword that prevented my survival strategies and my shadow from spoiling the process. She is skilled with the energetic and subtle body and can perceive details that often go unnoticed.

If you want to connect with the realm of magic through your heart, Celine is a door to knock and visit”


“Thank you Celine for holding space in such a safe, loving and professional way. You helped me to navigate through my emotions by gently guiding me. I loved the way how your experience and intuition lead to exactly what the space and I needed. You allowed your being to be present, unfolding its magic and creating extraordinary, long-lasting healing for me. What works especially well for me, are your distinctions about how to rage in an empowering and creative way, which still impacts my everyday life positively”


“Celine holds space with fierce commitment to my evolution. I was able to open up deep layers that I would normally not show, especially to a woman, because I experienced her centeredness as safety that I will not hurt her with showing what is really alive in me.

Her curiosity about my process and her willingness to open doorways each week for me to process my emotions was and still is a doorway for me to create a life in constant evolution”


Discover my upcoming spaces and workshops