I am Celine. A deeply sensitive intuitive soul, a creator at heart, guided by my inner being to create and hold spaces of transformation for people and the planet, weaving beauty from the unseen and reflecting back the sparks and aliveness that is present in the world and people around us. 

Having struggled with my own emotional and mental health, severe anxiety, panic attacks, and feeling everything so strongly and deeply at a young age, as well as being born in a completely different country and culture than my ancestry has led me to ask many existential questions - Who’s thoughts are these? Why am I feeling like this, why do I feel this? Why do people do what they do? What am I doing here? Who am I really? What is my home? 

This led me down a path of my own fascination and discovery of many different tools and resources to help manage, free, and express my internal landscapes.
I discovered a realm of magic that I want to share with others. 

I am now in service of my values and the change I wish to see in the world. If we want to change the external it has to start within and with the relationship that we have with ourselves, how we deal with emotions, adversity, others, and difficult situations. That is why I have dedicated myself to offering and creating spaces where we can face ourselves in authentic and empowering ways.

Embodied experiences and the natural world are catalysts for profound change, gently guiding you to discover the infinite limitless potential you inhabit to truly create a life of meaning and purpose for yourself.

Embodied space is a space for Love, Clarity, Empowerment, Transformation, and Joy. These are the driving values and principles I wish to paint and birth into the world through whatever action I am taking and the path I am walking.

I’ve trained as a conscious feelings practitioner and space holder, possibility coaching, breathwork, re-birthing, and I am on the training path as a shamanic practitioner. My spaces blend these modalities as well as using my own intuition and unique guidance method that I have developed over the years working with hundreds of people. 

My educational background is in experience design and I am currently setting up a retreat center in the south of France to create physical spaces and experiences of beauty, connection, and transformation.